Are HVAC Service Contracts Worth It?

Some consumers purchase service contracts because they expect priority treatment at unscheduled repair visits. But you may not get a service contract yet.

Are HVAC Service Contracts Worth It?

Some consumers purchase service contracts because they expect priority treatment at unscheduled repair visits. But you may not get a service contract yet. However, getting a service contract may not yet protect you. Ovens and air conditioners often break down when the weather is extreme, and companies simply lack enough staff to handle demand.

Although they put their technicians overtime and send supervisors to the field, sometimes they just can't keep up even for their priority customers. In fact, one of the most common complaints we receive from readers is waiting weeks to get an appointment for repairs from the companies with which they have signed service contracts. For fast service, you may do just as well without a service contract. Whenever you need repairs, call some companies and hire the one that will come as soon as possible.

A service contract makes it more likely that you will receive seasonal and annual revisions and adjustments. Air conditioning and heating maintenance plans can keep you cool in summer and warm in winter. In general, yes, since it is the price of an annual service. So you pay what you would pay anyway for the annual service and get the extra bonus of free calls and discounts when something goes wrong.

Purchasing a service contract may entitle you to a warranty or other warranty. In many cases, repairs or upgrades to HVAC units can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. So, you don't want to have to pay for a repair or upgrade more than once. A warranty will protect you from the possibility of investing in an expensive repair or replacement while your HVAC system is still relatively young.

Although some contracts specify all individual items covered during regular maintenance, the following are the general categories commonly found in HVAC service contracts. A maintenance agreement is essentially a contract between you and your HVAC company for continuous service. Enrolling in a maintenance service agreement ensures that you don't forget to schedule important heating and cooling maintenance services. During a service appointment, do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have about your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

HVAC service contracts generally refer to scheduled maintenance that is recommended twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. As the association states on its website, there was no way to determine whether the many types of “seasonal adjustments”, “cleaning and controls” and “maintenance services” performed on heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment were equivalent. Many HVAC companies offer service contracts or maintenance agreements to save homeowners from an unexpected breakdown and high energy bill. It's natural to ask questions before you spend extra money on an HVAC service plan.

This allows a licensed HVAC technician to inspect, repair and maintain your air conditioning and heating system ahead of time when your equipment reaches the limit. In many cases, you will be at the top of the list for emergency service if an HVAC component goes down for any reason. Finally, HVAC companies often give priority service to customers who choose to protect themselves with a maintenance plan. If you need maintenance visits less than once a year, paying for them one at a time may work for you; the only reasons to get a service contract would be to receive priority service on unscheduled repair calls or as insurance for costly repairs.

We receive many complaints from consumers who buy service contracts and find that technicians discover something to repair at every service visit at an additional cost. .