How much does preventive maintenance of air conditioning cost?

Preventive maintenance is essential to keeping the manufacturer's warranty intact and improving the performance, efficiency and life of your cooling system. All HVAC systems must be tuned annually by a certified HVAC contractor.

How much does preventive maintenance of air conditioning cost?

Preventive maintenance is essential to keeping the manufacturer's warranty intact and improving the performance, efficiency and life of your cooling system. All HVAC systems must be tuned annually by a certified HVAC contractor. One of the biggest dilemmas facing a home or business owner is whether they should take advantage of the service contract (maintenance agreement) offered by their HVAC company. Option A may be more common for residential HVAC companies, but for commercial configurations, maintenance contracts (also known as service contracts) are preferred.

These costs can range from something small, like replacing a part, or something a little more expensive, like a standard professional HVAC service call. However, one thing is certain: regular maintenance of your HVAC equipment extends the life of the system and will end up saving you more money in the long run. You may find it easier to schedule an appointment at this time of year, and some companies may charge less during off-season; however, any time of year is a good time for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Professional overhauls and preventative maintenance are crucial to the continued operation and longevity of your HVAC system, and many A/C warranties require regular service for your AC unit warranty to remain valid.

Without the priority assistance of a service contract, you could wait anywhere from two to four weeks for an HVAC repair. New systems that are still under warranty may not need one of these, but it is cheaper than combining separate HVAC service costs. However, there will be times in the life of your HVAC system when heating and cooling service from a licensed professional will be required. Ideally, you should have your heating and air conditioning system serviced in spring and fall to ensure that everything is working properly during the harshest seasons.

For commercial facilities where HVAC service is critical (retail, food service, etc.), this is the option you want to market. Especially during the summer months, when HVAC companies are busy with all kinds of emergency repairs due to high temperatures, the annual cost of a service contract seems to be worth it, just in case. If you're trying to figure out how much an air conditioning service will cost, keep in mind that the price varies depending on a few factors. As you can see, reactive maintenance HVAC repair doesn't have the same set-up cost as a proactive maintenance service.